Sunday, September 14, 2014

Blog Post #4

Riddle Me This
When asking questions Andi Stix argued that the way a question is worded is very important. Something as small as asking "when" verses "why" can alter the direction a discussion is going. Open ended questions help students think harder about a subject. This is good for me because I am planning to teach history. Asking my students questions will help me not only teach them when something happened but also why and how it affects us in modern times. The Teaching Center showed me how to avoid asking simple questions that will serve no benefit to a class. Such as asking a question that has an answer in it. If I am asking simple minded questions my students are not learning anything affectively and I am not learning anything about the way they think.


  1. Good Post Fred! I agree asking opened questions is a great way to increase students critical thinking skills. Open ended questions helps students to think analytically about the subject matter and it helps students comprehend the subject in-depth once the correct answer has been given. Furthermore, asking your students questions will help you teach more effectively and help your students to make meaningful connections to the subject.

  2. Fred I too plan on teaching history. It is very important to ask open ended questions because it will allow our students to think more complex and engage more students throughout our class period.

  3. Hey Fred,
    I think that asking questions is really important. But it is more important to know how to ask good questions. IGood questions help students think and learn more.
